Obituary for Carolyn Marie Stemeye Jones
Carolyn Marie Stemeye Jones
JONES, Carolyn Marie Stemeye, 67, of Tampa, passed away on Tuesday, April 2, 2013. A native of Knoxville, TN, she had resided here for 4 years coming from Georgia and was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by her daughter, Gedena Rainwater and brother, Robert W. Stemeye.
Funeral Information
There will be no local services.
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JONES, Carolyn Marie Stemeye, 67, of Tampa, passed away on Tuesday, April 2, 2013. A native of Knoxville, TN, she had resided here for 4 years coming from Georgia and was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by her daughter, Gedena Rainwater and brother, Robert W. Stemeye.
Funeral Information
There will be no local services.