Winston B. Hasper, 71, passed away on May 29, 2024 at his home in Riverview,
Florida after a courageous 8-year battle with cancer.
Win was born in Utica, NY on May 10, 1953. He grew up in Port Credit, ONT; Park
Ridge, IL; and the west Michigan areas of Grand Haven and Muskegon.
Win was a skilled glass beveler, an artisan really. He created and repaired magnificent
windows and doors to exacting standards. Win loved to fish. He looked forward to his
annual fishing trip to the upper Midwest with his brother Jeff. Win also enjoyed
sailing off the coast of Europe with his sister, playing golf, and improvising on his
various guitars.
Win was predeceased by his parents, Charles Henry and Carole Maxine Hasper. He is
survived by his brother Jeffrey of Denver, CO, sister Julie Peterson (Richard) of
Bradenton, FL, niece Lindsay Erickson (William), nephew Bret Peterson (Emer),
niece Kelly Sasser (Kurt) and 6 grand nieces and nephews.
The family especially thanks his friends, Barb Chapman, Mike Molloy and Jean
Campion, for their kindness and support. A potluck celebration of Win’s life will be
held at the Hidden River Resort clubhouse in Riverview, FL at noon, Saturday June