Obituary for Ernie Klipfel
Ernie Klipfel
KLIPFEL, Ernie, peacefully passed to Spirit on Thursday, March 24, 2011, at the age of 53 and in the presence of those who loved him. Born in Pittsburgh, educated in Pennsylvania and Michigan, he lived his dream across America. He will be missed and the impact he had on his loved ones will be remembered always. Survived by family and friends including wife, Denise Hiles; mother, Mary Klipfel, and sister Mary Lou Williams.
Funeral Information
Funeral services will be announced at a later date.
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KLIPFEL, Ernie, peacefully passed to Spirit on Thursday, March 24, 2011, at the age of 53 and in the presence of those who loved him. Born in Pittsburgh, educated in Pennsylvania and Michigan, he lived his dream across America. He will be missed and the impact he had on his loved ones will be remembered always. Survived by family and friends including wife, Denise Hiles; mother, Mary Klipfel, and sister Mary Lou Williams.
Funeral Information
Funeral services will be announced at a later date.